During the evenings of May 29th and 30th, a group of 22 participants led by Rabbi Debra Smith joined together virtually to welcome Shabbat and Yom Tov, study texts, and in the end, celebrate Havdalah.
Reb Deb told us, “It was an honor and a joy to serve as the weaver and facilitator of this tapestry: an amazing group of participants that joined together from across the country for our Chai Mitzvah Tikkun Leil Shavuot. Participants represented many diverse threads in terms of their backgrounds and thoughts on the texts of the Ten Commandments from Chai Mitzvah’s curriculum Aseret: the Big Ten that we studied over the two nights.”
The texts were discussed both as a large group, and in smaller, breakout groups. Chai Mitzvah is known for small group discussions where everyone gets a chance to share their ideas. One participant said, “The level of support and connection between people that know each other and those who are just meeting for the first time was really astounding.”
Aseret: The Big Ten focuses on the Ten Commandments as core values, and the discussions ranged from p’shat, the literal meaning of each one, to yesod, the underlying meaning. The conversations included thoughts on the power of speech, on individual dignity, and much more.
It is customary to study together on Shavuot, and this virtual session demonstrated that community is built through connection whether it is virtual or in person. Reb Deb commented, “It was a joyful and meaningful learning experience for all, and I truly rejoiced in two nights of deep and spiritual learning, thanks to our Chai Mitzvah community and guests. Together, our virtual Tikkun Leil community wove a colorful and rich tapestry of the ways in which Torah can be received and celebrated on Shavuot.”
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