Conspiracy U: A Case Study: The Canary in the Coal Mine

Recently Chai Mitzvah hosted a webinar entitled  Shocking Trends on College Campuses: The Rise of Antisemitism and the Fall of Academic Freedom with Scott Shay, our founder and Board Chair, in conversation with Dr. Miriam Elman of the Academic Engagement Network and Dr. Andrew Pessin, Campus Editor of the Algemeiner Journal. There is no shortage of conspiracy theories… just listen to Mr. Putin charactierize Ukrain as a Nazi state that is in need of liberation.

There is no shortage of conspiracy theories… just listen to Mr. Putin characterize Ukraine as a Nazi state that is in need of liberation.

Scott’s important book Conspiracy U: A Case  Study focuses on two professors at Northwestern University, but as Drs Elman and Pessin made clear, it could be about many universities.Why is this important? Well if history has taught the Jewish people anything, it is that whenever there is trouble in the world, there will be some who single out the Jews as the culprit. Related to this, as was demonstrated in this conversation, the expectation of academia as the place where  truth and intellectual rigor reign  has been replaced by corrupt theories, void of academic rigor and moral insight. Click here to view the recorded webinar.

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