IN TEL AVIV: (left to right) Audrey Lichter, Executive Director of Chai Mitzvah,
Dr. Olga Kirschbaum, curriculum developer for Chai Mitzvah
There is such a thing as the Israel Glow. Someone said that I had it the first time I returned from a trip to Israel. Ever since then, on my multiple trips to Israel, I can attest that this is true. Once the jet lag settles, I can only marvel at this incredible place, and the role it has played for the Jewish people for over three thousand years.
Israel is a multifaceted country with all sorts of challenges. It is a highly developed society, intensely religious while blatantly secular, a technological world leader, home to a multitude of Jews from around the world as well as Christian and Muslims… sophisticated in the arts – replete with multitudes of museums, concert venues, avant-garde dance groups – and did I mention the food? There are even gluten-free falafel places.
Jerusalem is a city unlike any other… beautiful and soulful… laying claim to three of the world’s greatest religions. Every place in Israel has a story to tell. The land is layered with history, and much of it is our history. It is frustrating when Israel is reduced to the Palestinian conflict, as serious and multi-layered as it is. Israel has been conquered and reconquered countless times. It is incumbent on every Jew to know the history of our people in order to put the current situation in perspective.
We at Chai Mitzvah will be working on a new history curriculum this year, to help our participants understand Israel today within the context of the history of our people. We also just published a new curriculum entitled Traveling the 10 Commandments. It combines a unique approach to understanding the 10 Commandments with sites in Israel. Using this curriculum is a perfect way to see Israel. If you have not been to Israel, this is the year to visit! Israel will be celebrating the 75th birthday of the founding of the current state. There is no substitute for going there in person. Give yourself the gift of a visit, and I promise that you will return with the Israel Glow!
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