The Secular New Year

by Michalee Merritt

During the High Holidays we think about all the wrongs that we did. We atone for our sins and wish to be written in the Book of Life. At this time I think about how I can be a better person.

At the end of the secular year people start to think about all the resolutions that they are going to make for individual betterment. Lose weight, eat better, exercise more, read more books and clean out closets. Most of those are not even kept. 

At the end of the secular year people start to think about all the resolutions
that they are going to make for individual betterment.

Why not do things that will help you and others at the same time?!

  1. Make a commitment to tikkun olam. Helping others also helps yourself.
  2. Strengthen your relationship with Israel. Learn more about Israeli life, historical sites and Jewish life in Israel.
  3. Experiment with Jewish Cooking. Make challah, kugel or matzo ball soup.
  4. Take a class about something Jewish. This is where Chai Mitzvah can help you!

Chai Mitzvah has virtual classes every month and a number of curricula that you can use with friends or a synagogue group. It is so easy and really affordable. Please check us out and do something for you and a friend! They will thank you for it.

Happy New Year!

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