Spring has Sprung?

by Michalee Merritt

The weather is not very springy, especially here in New England. When the calendar says Spring – I think of Passover. I enjoy this time of year as I always have an inbox full of new recipes to try for Passover. I pour over them and choose the ones that I want to print out. Then I make my lists of all the ingredients that I will need. What is funny about this ritual every year? Is that I always go back to the tried and true recipes that I can count on. The ones that my family asks if I am going to make. The ones that I know are only made once a year. Once in a while I make a new dish. It is nice to try something different, it makes Passover fresh. I add it to the tried and true! 

This spring why not try something new?

This spring why not try something new? Whether it be a new recipe for Passover, invite a new friend or a new Chai Mitzvah program? There is so much out there just waiting for you!

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