by Michalee Merritt The weather is not very springy, especially here in New England. When the calendar says Spring – I think of Passover. I enjoy this time of year as I always have an inbox full of new recipes to try for Passover. I pour over them and choose the ones that I want Continue Reading »
by Rabbi Debra Smith Earlier today, I received an email from someone who is part of a Zoom community that I attend and help lead. The person mentioned in their email how important belonging to such a community is to their life. This led me to spend a lot of time reflecting on communities that Continue Reading »
by Nina Fondiller Woldin Mordecai said to Esther, “ …Who knows if you became queen for this very moment?” Have you ever thought about your purpose? What your unique set of talents and challenges has prepared you to do, and how you might – even in a small way – contribute positively to the world? Continue Reading »
by Audrey Lichter I just finished reading Tablets Shattered, a book by Joshua Leifer. This book was embroiled in a Brooklyn NY controversy when a local bookstore refused to host a prominent Brooklyn rabbi who is a devoted Zionist on the panel to interview the author. The author, although quite young, does a great job Continue Reading »
by Michalee Merritt I’m so sick of ugly, I am not talking about physical looks. I’m talking about ugly hearts, ugly souls and ugly actions. The world is broken, but you already knew that. So, here is my Jewish antidote to living with despair and hopelessness for these terrible times; To building a life of Continue Reading »
By Rabbi Debra Smith A few weeks back I had the pleasure of meeting with Audrey Lichter, Chai Mitzvah‘s founding executive director. Audrey was on a Chai Mitzvah “road trip” in the South which included Florida, where I make my home. Although I have been a part of the Chai Mitzvah’s professional staff for a Continue Reading »
By Nina Fondiller Woldin Many astronauts report a profound shift in perspective towards Earth after seeing it from space, often described as the “Overview Effect.” They experience a deep sense of awe, interconnectedness, and a renewed responsibility to protect the planet due to its fragility and beauty when viewed from afar. This can lead to Continue Reading »
by Audrey Lichter I recently read Rabbi Yitz Greenberg’s new book, The Triumph of Life, on his theology of Judaism in the third stage of the covenant. Yitz’s writing stems profoundly from his immersion for many years in holocaust studies. He concludes that we are entering another stage of our relationship with the covenant that Continue Reading »
by Rabbi Debra Smith I have been particularly troubled by the rise of antisemitism we are experiencing. I have attended numerous programs and webinars on the topic and have also studied the origins and causes of this insidious condition that Jews have experienced since the beginning of time. This past week, I was fortunate enough Continue Reading »
By Nina Fondiller Woldin Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr., the chief advocate of nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement. We focus on racial discrimination in federal and state law, and society at large. Jewish people provided grassroots activism, financial support, and legal expertise to support the Civil Rights Movement nationwide. These actions Continue Reading »
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