Our History

In 2008, Scott Shay, our founder and Board President, wrote Getting our Groove Back: How to Energize American Jewry, in which he tackled some of the challenging issues facing contemporary Jewish life. One issue he wrote about was how to keep people meaningfully connected to Judaism at every age and stage of life. Shay recognized that Jewish engagement involves spirituality and social action as well as study.

In 2009, piloting in Hartford, CT, Chai Mitzvah was formed as a 501 C(3). Since then, the Chai Mitzvah program has enriched more than 1,000 people per year throughout the world. We offer programs and materials for adults, teens, and families. Upon completion of the program, surveys indicate that Chai Mitzvah participants continue to be engaged in a sustainable and meaningful way.

Our tradition tells us that a full Jewish life involves our head, heart, and hands. The Chai Mitzvah program is unique in that it is experiential –  involving both communal and personal opportunities for growth – and works collaboratively with communities to deepen engagement.