Welcome to the Aseret: The Big Ten Sourcebook Tutorials led by Rabbi Nitzan Bergman. There are eleven tutorials for each of the eleven sourcebooks; covering the ten commandments plus an introduction.
About the Presenter – Rabbi Nitzan Bergman
Rabbi Nitzan Bergman is the co-founder and director of Aseret Global, which is responsible for Project Aseret in the diaspora. Originally from South Africa, he studied for many years in Israel. Rabbi Bergman’s goal is to explore the true role of the Ten Commandments and how each one contains an aspect of the answer to who we are and what Judaism is really about. Project Aseret is a worldwide organization focused on teaching and living with the Aseret HaDibrot, the Ten Commandments, as Core Values.
In Summer of 2019, Rabbi Bergman and Chai Mitzvah partnered to create Aseret: The Big Ten, an eleven-part curriculum using Project Aseret content and Chai Mitzvah methodology and design. To reach Rabbi Bergman, please email him at rabbibergman@gmail.com.