Curriculum Overview

There are materials for adults, teens, and families. Our sourcebooks are clearly laid out and accessible to those of all backgrounds. They are designed by experienced Jewish educators to be relevant, flexible, and easy to lead – a professional teacher is not necessary.  Relevant texts in Hebrew and English from contemporary and traditional sources are included – knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary. Materials are available at little or no cost.

Adult Curriculum Options:

Chai Mitzvah is great for all adults, regardless of age, affiliation or background. Our topics, firmly rooted in Jewish texts, are timely and interesting.

  2. Aseret Israel Scholars
  3. Aseret: The Big Ten (The Ten Commandments)
  4. Because We Were Slaves: The Jewish Struggle for Justice in Making America Home
  5. Business Ethics
  6. Critical Conversations
  7. Grandparents and Beyond
  8. From One Life to the Next Life: The Sacred Passage After Death
  9. Interfaith Project:
    In Good Faith Discussion Groups
    Community Conversations
  10. Jewish Journeys
  11. Mussar
  12. Rosh Chodesh
  13. Virtual Groups Run by Chai Mitzvah
  14. Women of Reform Judaism

Teen Curriculum Options:

Over 1,500 teens have participated in our unique Chai Mitzvah Teen Program, which is full of experiential and text-based learning.  The program has ten curriculum tracks:

  2. Aseret: The Big Ten
  3. Aseret Israel Scholars
  4. Because We Were Slaves: The Jewish Struggle for Justice in Making America Home
  5. Critical Conversations
  6. Grandparents and Beyond (excellent both for teens and their grandparents, or for intergenerational social action project)
  7. Jewish Journeys
  8. Kehila: Caring & Community
  9. Mussar
  10. Mixtape (Arts-based curriculum written by Matt Bar, the “Bible Rapper”)

Family Curriculum Options:

Chai Mitzvah Family Education materials are designed for school or synagogue family education settings, Chavura family groups, or individual participants with their families.

  1. Aseret Israel Scholars is recommended for families planning a trip to Israel!
  2. Gan 2 Grownups Connection
  3. Grandparents and Beyond is also recommended for families!
  4. Grownups + Kids = 10XSTRONGER

Please see our sample materials.

In addition to group study of the source books, each person in the group chooses POP: Power of Passion – personally meaningful projects:

  1. Adopt or deepen a ritual or spiritual practice
  2. Identify something to learn
  3. Engage in a social action project of your choosing

Download our Celebration Guide – a .pdf brochure that was used at the end-of year ceremony of a Chai Mitzvah Group in Michigan. It shows the choices participants made for their independent projects. Looking at this brochure might make it easier for you to see how the POP: Power of Passion works.

Learn more on getting started here: How to Form a Group.

For information, please contact