Investigate how conspiracy theories originating in academic environments, particularly from far-right and far-left ideologies, find their way into mainstream culture, impacting business, entertainment, and social discourse.
Scott A. Shay, Chai Mitzvah’s Board President, is a businessman, thought leader and author of three books. Scott’s most recent book, Conspiracy U: A Case Study (Wicked Son, 2021), challenges the proliferation of anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist conspiracy theories championed on college campuses from the far-right and far-left. His second book, In Good Faith: Questioning Religion and Atheism (Post Hill Press, 2018), explores the most common critiques of monotheism and incorporates Jewish, Christian, and Muslim voices. His first book, Getting Our Groove Back: How to Energize American Jewry (Devora, 2007), focuses on the core issues facing American Jews. Scott has been a long time Jewish activist and has served on the boards of local, national, and international Jewish organizations. Scott has been very active on college campuses and high schools, educating students and alumni about the impact of Anti-Zionist Conspiracy Theories. He is taking his message into the business world as well.
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