Justice and Morality and the Ten Commandments: Interesting article from Habonim Dror about how the Ten Commandments relate to Social Justice.
ELITalk – Flexigidity What is “flexigidity” and how has it ensured Jewish survival and identity? Using the concept of flexigidity — the combined effects of both flexibility and rigidity — Gidi Grinstein asserts that what has sustained the Jewish people for centuries is an ability to evolve within their current environment (flexibility) while simultaneously maintaining a solid core of values from which they don’t veer (rigidity). By maintaining a healthy dynamic between these two extremes, flexigidity will ensure Jewish survival, security and prosperity in the future.
Complaint Free purple bracelets: Use these bracelets as a 21-day tool to stop complaining.
The Happiness Curve by Jonathan Rauch
The New York Jewish Week: How To Pray A Hundred Blessings A Day Judaism has mechanisms in place to help us cultivate a sense of gratitude.
Complaining, for Your Health: The mental and physical benefits of airing your grievances, by Barabara Neal Varma
ELI Talk: Words of the Righteous and People in Love: We treat words as the most taken-for-granted commodity in the world, yet Judaism holds that words have the power to create and to destroy. Jonnie Schnytzer looks at how people in love know the weight of words just as the tzaddikim – the righteous – do.
A discussion of the concept of Lashon Tov: Based on the Parshiot Tazria-Metzora
And From These Words, Torah Increases: Conversations With People You Disagree With: Billy Planer, the founder of Etgar 36 – a Jewish youth program that introduces teens to the different sides of the issues of our day, wants all of us to use the Talmud as a model for how we have conversations with people who disagree with us. He proposes a very Jewish idea: No matter what side of the fence you sit on, find something in common and engage with people who are different from you. It is these conversations that will change the world – or at least yours.
ELI Talk: Seduced By Eternity: Why I Love the Jewish Story: Nessa Rapaport, a writer, a lover of language and stories, contemplates the story and narrative of the Jewish people.
Judaism and Privacy: Here’s what Jewish tradition has to say on identity theft, gossip, and online spying.
Why I want you to steal my ideas: Writer Seth Godin explains why it’s absolutely fine if you steal his ideas … you have to promise to make them better.
Arranged: This movie centers on the friendship between an Orthodox Jewish woman and a Muslim woman who meet as first-year teachers at a public school in Brooklyn. Over the course of the year they learn that they share much in common – not least of which is that they are both going through the process of arranged marriages.
Rachel, Leah, Jealousy and Marriage: An interesting midrash on the relationship between Rachel and Leah with regards to marriage.
91 Songs About Supporting Someone and Being There plus some interesting polls and good advice.
Refugee crisis: ‘Love the stranger because you were once strangers’ calls us now. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Many memorials and statues commemorate the lives of great people – an act of communal gratitude. Find out about the most visited monuments.
Download guidebooks on all aspects of Shabbat ritual, including the Friday night kiddush.
Six Science-Backed Ways Being Kind Is Good for Your Health: There are a number of real-life benefits associated with the way we treat others.
There Are More Idols than Ever We have more false gods than ever nowadays – fame, money, to name just a few. On a personal level, the worship of false gods leads to unhappiness.
Affirming instead of taking an oath in a civil court: A contemporary discussion about affirming rather than taking an oath in Civil Court.
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